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EDITED VOLUMES (Peer-reviewed Journal Special Issues)

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M. (2013). In the name of honor. On virtue, reputation, and violence. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 16 (3), 271-388.

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M., Uskul, A. K., & Cross, S. E. (2011). The centrality of social image in social psychology. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41 (4), 403-549.


Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M. (2024). Cultures of honor. In Michael Hogg (Ed.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Social Psychology. Oxford University Press. DOI:

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M. (2023). Words, poems, and cultural meanings. In Gesine Lenore Schiewer, Jeanette Altarriba, and Bee Chin Ng (Eds.) Language and Emotion. An International Handbook (Volume 3, pp. 1745-1758). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI:

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M. (2022). A sociocultural perspective on envy. On covetous desire, the evil eye, and the social regulation of equality. In Sara Protasi (Ed.) The Moral Psychology of Envy (pp. 23-41). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Rodriguez Mosquera, P.M. (2015). Cultural Influences on Interpersonal Relationships. In James D. Wright (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition (Volume 5, pp. 426–432). Oxford: Elsevier. DOI:


Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M. (2018b). Cultural concerns. How valuing social-image shapes social emotion. European Review of Social Psychology, 29(1), 1-37. DOI: 10.1080/10463283.2017.1412180

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M. (2018a). Honor and harmed social-image. Muslims’ anger and shame about the cartoon controversy. Cognition and Emotion, 32(6), 1205-1219. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2017.1394270

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M., Khan, T., & Selya, A. (2017). American Muslims’ anger and sadness about in group social image. Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 2042. DOI:

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M. (2016). On the importance of family, morality, masculine and feminine honor for theory and research. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 10 (8), 431–443. DOI:

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M., Tan, L., & Saleem, F. (2014). Shared burdens, personal costs. On the emotional and social consequences of family honor. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45 (3), 400-416. DOI:

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M., & Imada, T. (2013). Perceived social image and life satisfaction across cultures. Cognition and Emotion, 27 (7), 1132-1141. DOI:

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M., Khan, T., & Selya, A. (2013). Coping with the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
Muslim Americans’ sadness, fear, and anger. Cognition and Emotion, 27 (6), 932-941. DOI:

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M., Parrott, W. G., & Hurtado de Mendoza, A. (2010) I fear your envy, I rejoice in your coveting. On the ambivalent experience of being envied by others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99 (5), 842-854. DOI:

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M., Fischer, A. H., Manstead, A. S. R., & Zaalberg, R. (2008). Attack, disapproval, or withdrawal? The role of honor in anger and shame responses to being insulted. Cognition and Emotion, 22 (8), 1471-1498. DOI:

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M., Manstead, A. S. R., & Fischer, A. H. (2002). The role of honor concerns in emotional reactions to offenses. Cognition and Emotion, 16 (1), 143-163. DOI:

Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M., Manstead, A. S. R., & Fischer, A. H. (2000). The role of honor-related values in the elicitation, experience and communication of pride, shame and anger: Spain and the Netherlands compared. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26 (7), 833-844. DOI: