Meet Patricia

Prof. Rodriguez Mosquera obtained her Ph.D. at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She has been on the faculty of the University of Amsterdam and Brunel University, London (U.K.) and is currently Professor of Psychology at Wesleyan University. Prof. Rodriguez Mosquera is a social scientist who studies how people in different cultures emotionally experience their social image, with a special focus on honor cultures and under-studied populations in psychology (e.g., Turkish, Moroccan, Bangladeshi cultural minorities in Europe; Muslim minorities in the U.S. and Europe). Using a multi-method approach (e.g., experiments, narratives), her research examines a wide range of emotions experienced about social image (e.g., pride, happiness, fear, anger, sadness, shame) at different levels of analysis (intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup). Prof. Rodriguez Mosquera’s research has been published in social psychology (e.g., Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology), cross-cultural psychology (e.g., Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology), and emotion (e.g., Cognition & Emotion, Emotion) journals. She was lead editor of the special issue ‘The Centrality of Social Image in Social Psychology’ for the European Journal of Social Psychology and sole editor of the special issue ‘In the Name of Honor: On Virtue, Reputation, and Violence’ for the journal Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. Dr. Rodriguez Mosquera was Associate Editor of the European Journal of Social Psychology and Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology. For an overview of her research see this publication.